About Us

Our Goals

Our goal at Bitshift Games is to create fun and entertaining mobile games which every player can enjoy, no matter if they just want to play for a minute on the bus or if they want to play for longer sessions at home. One of our core philosophies is that games should be free-to-play and without being cluttered with advertisements. However lets face it. Mobile games that are free-to-play and have no advertisements are really hard to maintain profitable which is the reason why so many companies are flooding their mobile games with advertisements. Because of that all of our games are going to be free-to-play. Not only that but we are also reducing the advertisements drastically. We are only using Ad-Banners which only take up a small portion of the screen and rewarded advertisements which the player can choose to watch to receive an reward like an extra life.


Making games for any device is hard. Making games for handheld devices with limited resources, limited capabilities and limited input sources is even harder. We have to create our games carefully with those limitations in mind. But even if we consider every limitation, we sometimes have to scrub ideas in the early prototyping stages just because they are not fun or not playable on mobile devices. However we are giving our best to deliver the best mobile gaming experience to you no matter where you are and on what device you are playing on. Not only that but you can make a difference. We are trying to listen as good as we can to our community feedback to improve our games. We believe that our players know the best on how to improve our games. This is the reason why every review in the app store helps us. No matter if they are positive or negative.

Future Plans

To be honest we do not know what our games will look like in 5 years. However what we know is that we want to improve our games constantly and slowly expand our collection of games while complying to our core values and rules. Although we can not see into the future we believe that we are going to create awesome games with our mindset and your help/feedback. Like mentioned before, listening to your community is the most important factor when you want to create sustainable and fun games. One thing is clear and that is that we are always going to listen to our community.